List of Largest Nebula

List of Largest Nebula

Below is a list of the largest nebulae so far discovered, ordered by actual size (not angular diameter). There are many huge number of nebulae in our universe. But we can't seen only the nebulae which is in the observable universe. There are many kinds of nebulae. They are Interstellar Nebulae, Emission Nebulae, H II Regions, Supernova Remnants, Dark Nebulae, Protoplanetary Nebulae, Diffuse Nebulae, Flux Nebula, Planetary Nebula Etc. Nabulae is a object  that made of gases, gas clouds etc. Nabulae is one of the  wonderful things in our universe. Now I show you a list of huge nebulae. You can find many interesting things from here. 

List of Largest Nebula

Image : NGC 604 

[You can see many photos, more information of these nebula by click the name of these nebula given below]

[Note:  Green names are available but black names are not available]

1. LAB Giant Concentration (coinciding with SSA22 Protocluster)

7. HVC 127-41-330

8. Smith's Cloud

9. NGC 2404

10. N11

11.Tarantula Nebula

12. NGC 595

13. NGC 604

14. NGC 592

15. N44

16. Ring Nebula

17.Gum Nebula

18. Bubble Nebula

19. NGC 6188

20. N119

21. Sh2-310

22. Carina Nebula

23. Dragonfish Nebula

24. RCW 49

25. Soul  Nebula

26.Westerhout 5

27. Henize 70

28. Barnard's loop

29. Sh2-54

30. Prawn Nebula

31. NGC 7822

32. IC 2944

33. Eagle Nebula










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