Himiko Gas Cloud - 6th Largest Nebula in the Observable Universe

Himiko Gas Cloud

Himiko Gas Cloud


Himiko Gas Cloud is the 6th largest nebula in the universe. It is the second lyman alpha blob( LAB). Himiko is the largest gas cloud found at redshift of z= 6.6 . At the time of its discovery researchers thought that it '' may be represent as the  massive object discovered ever in the early universe.
It is located at Cetus of redshift z=6.595, about 12.9 billion light years away from Earth (like 75×10^21 miles).

Himiko gas cloud

Object type: Lyman Alpha Blob

Constellation : Cetus

Redshift : 6.1


It is 55000 light years across and 10time bigger than the another object discovered near that its size like 40 billion suns together.


This nebular gas cloud is thought to be a protogalaxy, caught in the act of formation. There have been no spectroscopic signatures of anything other than hydrogen or helium, and its luminance cannot be ascribed to gravitational lensing, black holes or exterior excitation. The lack of any chemical signatures other than hydrogen and helium illustrate the extreme primitiveness of the object, and early enough so as not to be polluted by carbon signatures from young stars.


The object was named by a Japanese scientist after the 3rd-century Japanese shaman queen Himiko.
