Kepler 1649c - A Habitable Earth like Planet

Kepler 1649c

 Kepler 1649c

The newest discovered exoplanet

Kepler 1649c is a exoplanet orbiting a M-type main sequence red dwarf  star, about 300 light years away from Earth, in the constellation of Cygnus. In 2020, Jeff Coughlin, the director of K2 science office, described the exoplanets as " the most Earth like planet " found so far by Kepler Space Telescope. The planet was originally deemed false positive by Kepler robovetter algorithm. Kepler False Positive Working Group published its recovery on April 15, 2020.

kepler 1649c


Discovered by  -   Kepler Spacecraft

Discovered date -  15 April, 2020

Detection method - Transit

Orbital Charactaristics

Semi major axis - 0.0649 AU

Orbital period - 19.5352551 ± 0.0001018

Inclination - 89.65

Star - Kepler 1649

Host Star

kepler 1649c

Kepler 1649 is a Type-M main sequence red dwarf estimated to be roughly 1/4 redius of our Sun. with only two confirmed planets in its orbit,  the other being is Kepler 1649b. Kepler 1649b is a exoplanet similer to Venus from our own solar system in two ways. First,  Kepler 1649b and Venus both are orbiting half redius of the next known planets ( Kepler-1649c and Earth). Secondly, they are same size.


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